Our Story & Our Owner

I'm Karletta Hammond, the creator and owner of Honey Butter Tresses. As a natural woman who has been dying her hair annually for about 10+ years, I one day realized I was still dealing with the same hair issues over and over no matter what "safe for color treated hair" products I tried. Nothing truly worked. I was exhausted of my hair looking dry, my ends breaking, my trims not really being "trims", and my hair not staying moisturized. This caused me to want to build my own natural hair care line for dyed naturals with the mission to really solve and reduce these challenges, make hair care routines much easier, and teach people about hair health and how to properly take care of it while it is dyed. This includes building a community of natural women to learn from one another's experiences and come together to love on our hair and to not be ashamed for problems we all deal and have dealt with.
Honey Butter Tresses is not just any natural hair care brand. It is a brand that encourages you to embrace your natural beauty and authenticity. Honey Butter Tresses caters to the naturals that dye and chemically treat their hair. Our products are 100% plant based and target dryness, brittle ends and breakage prone hair, hair growth, and hair damage.